
Your CUPA-HR Membership: Responsibilities As Membership Contact

Survey Data Access
The CUPA-HR membership roster does not have any bearing on Survey data access. Survey data access is managed by the top-ranking HR professional on campus. For more information about survey data access and the contact(s) for completing surveys for your institution, email [email protected].

1 - Receive and coordinate payment of the membership dues invoice each year.

  • The CUPA-HR membership year is July 1-June 30.
  • Membership dues invoices are mailed (in a bright orange envelope!) and e-mailed directly to you in the spring. Dues are payable by check or by credit card (online or over the phone).
  • Learn how membership dues are calculated for institutional members.

2 - Review the membership roster and request any necessary changes.

3 - Access your complimentary Administrators in Higher Education Report (Please note that you may share the PDF internally with others at your organization, but not with anyone outside your organization.)

If you would like someone else to assume the membership contact responsibilities as outlined above, manage your roster to change the membership contact.